A density version of the Carlson–Simpson theorem

  • Pandelis Dodos

    University of Athens, Greece
  • Vassilis Kanellopoulos

    National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  • Konstantinos Tyros

    University of Toronto, Canada


We prove a density version of the Carlson–Simpson Theorem. Specifically we show the following.

For every integer and every set of words over satisfying

there exist a word over and a sequence of left variable words over such that the set

is contained in .

While the result is infinite-dimensional its proof is based on an appropriate finite and quantitative version, also obtained in the paper.

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Pandelis Dodos, Vassilis Kanellopoulos, Konstantinos Tyros, A density version of the Carlson–Simpson theorem. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 16 (2014), no. 10, pp. 2097–2164

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/484