Conformal harmonic forms, Branson–Gover operators and Dirichlet problem at infinity

  • Erwann Aubry

    Université de Nice, France
  • Colin Guillarmou

    Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris France


For odd dimensional Poincaré–Einstein manifolds , we study the set of harmonic -forms (for ) which are (with ) on the conformal compactification of . This is infinite dimensional for small but it becomes finite dimensional if is large enough, and in one-to-one correspondence with the direct sum of the relative cohomology and the kernel of the Branson–Gover [3] differential operators on the conformal ifinity . In a second time we relate the set of forms in the kernel of to the conformal harmonics on the boundary in the sense of [3], providing some sort of long exact sequence adapted to this setting. This study also provides another construction of Branson–Gover differential operators, including a parallel construction of the generalization of -curvature for forms.

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Erwann Aubry, Colin Guillarmou, Conformal harmonic forms, Branson–Gover operators and Dirichlet problem at infinity. J. Eur. Math. Soc. 13 (2011), no. 4, pp. 911–957

DOI 10.4171/JEMS/271