Complements on Growth Envelopes of Spaces with Generalized Smoothness in the Sub-Critical Case

  • M. Bricchi

    Università di Pavia, Italy
  • Susana D. Moura

    Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal


We describe the growth envelope of Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces and with generalized smoothness, i.e.\ instead of the usual scalar regularity index we consider now the more general case of a sequence . We take under consideration the range of the parameters which, in analogy to the classical terminology, we call sub-critical.

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M. Bricchi, Susana D. Moura, Complements on Growth Envelopes of Spaces with Generalized Smoothness in the Sub-Critical Case. Z. Anal. Anwend. 22 (2003), no. 2, pp. 383–398

DOI 10.4171/ZAA/1151