Hecke–Clifford Superalgebras and Crystals of Type

  • Shunsuke Tsuchioka

    Kyoto University, Japan


In [BK], Brundan and Kleshchev showed that some parts of the representation theory of the affine Hecke–Clifford superalgebras and its finite-dimensional “cyclotomic” quotients are controlled by the Lie theory of type when the quantum parameter is a primitive -th root of unity. We show that similar theorems hold when is a primitive -th root of unity by replacing the Lie theory of type with that of .

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Shunsuke Tsuchioka, Hecke–Clifford Superalgebras and Crystals of Type . Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 46 (2010), no. 2, pp. 423–471

DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/13