Polyhedra Dual to the Weyl Chamber Decomposition: A Précis

  • Kyoji Saito

    Kyoto University, Japan


Let be a real vector space with an irreducible action of a finite reflection group . We study the semi-algebraic geometry of the -quotient affine variety with the discriminant divisor in it and the -quotient affine variety with the bifurcation set in it, where is the -action on obtained by the integration of the primitive vector field on and is the discriminant divisor of the induced projection : .

Our goal is the construction of a one-parameter family of the semi-algebraic polyhedra in which are dual to the Weyl chamber decomposition of .

As an application, we obtain two geometric descriptions of generators for , satisfying the Artin braid relations.

The key of the construction of the polyhedra is a theorem on a linearization of the tube domain in over the simplicial cone in .

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Kyoji Saito, Polyhedra Dual to the Weyl Chamber Decomposition: A Précis. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 40 (2004), no. 4, pp. 1337–1384

DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1145475449