EMS Editorial System for Journals - Instructions for Editors

Automatic Notifications

The following events trigger automatic notification mails:

EventNotification to
Author completes his submission Editor chosen by the Author, with config options:
  • cc-mail and / or redirect to another Editor
  • cc-mail to Editor-in-Chief and / or Managing Editor
New submission not gone to status "review" for 14 daysEditor chosen by the Author,
(follow-up reminder every 7 days)
Status changed to "copy-editing"Copy-Editor
Status changed to "teXing"TeX-Editor
Status changed to "copy-edited" or "teXed"Editor-in-Chief
Status changed to "accepted"EMS-PH Staff (configurable)

Note: From the article editing page, an editor can manually create mails to the Submitter, the Editor-in-Charge,
and any of the Chief-, Managing-, TeX- or Copy-Editors of the journal.