In the bocs seat: Quasi-hereditary algebras and representation type

  • Julian Külshammer

    Universität Stuttgart, Germany
In the bocs seat: Quasi-hereditary algebras and representation type cover

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This paper surveys bocses, quasi-hereditary algebras and their relationship which was established in a recent result by Koenig, Ovsienko, and the author. Particular emphasis is placed on applications of this result to the representation type of the category filtered by standard modules for a quasi-hereditary algebra. In this direction, joint work with Thiel is presented showing that the subcategory of modules fi ltered by Weyl modules for tame Schur algebras is of fi nite representation type. The paper also includes a new proof for the classi cation of quasi-hereditary algebras with two simple modules, a result originally obtained by Membrillo–Hernández in [70].