Uniform local amenability

  • Jacek Brodzki

    University of Southampton, UK
  • Graham A. Niblo

    University of Southampton, UK
  • Ján Špakula

    University of Münster, Germany
  • Rufus Willett

    University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
  • Nick Wright

    University of Southampton, UK


The main results of this paper show that various coarse (‘large scale’) geometric properties are closely related. In particular, we show that property A implies the operator norm localisation property, and thus that norms of operators associated to a very large class of metric spaces can be effectively estimated.

The main tool is a new property called uniform local amenability. This property is easy to negate, which we use to study some ‘bad’ spaces: specifically, expanders and graphs with large girth. We also generalise and reprove a theorem of Nowak relating amenability and asymptotic dimension in the quantitative setting.

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Jacek Brodzki, Graham A. Niblo, Ján Špakula, Rufus Willett, Nick Wright, Uniform local amenability. J. Noncommut. Geom. 7 (2013), no. 2, pp. 583–603

DOI 10.4171/JNCG/128