A failing in the Calderon-Zygmund theory of Dirichlet problems for linear equations with discontinuous coefficients

  • Lucio Boccardo

    Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy


This note is devoted to the Calderon-Zygmund theory for linear differential operators with discontinuous coefficients. It is known that the theory holds if the datum , in (1.1) belongs to the Lebesgue space , with (see [6]). In this paper we prove that the theory fails if .

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Lucio Boccardo, A failing in the Calderon-Zygmund theory of Dirichlet problems for linear equations with discontinuous coefficients. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. 26 (2015), no. 2, pp. 215–221

DOI 10.4171/RLM/703