Paley-Wiener-Type Theorem for a Class of Integral Transforms Arising from a Singular Dirac System

  • A.I. Zayed

    University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA
  • Vu Kim Tuan

    Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait


A characterization of weighted spaces in terms of their images under various integral transformations is derived, where is a finite interval. The class of integral transformations considered is related to certain singular Dirac systems on a half line.

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A.I. Zayed, Vu Kim Tuan, Paley-Wiener-Type Theorem for a Class of Integral Transforms Arising from a Singular Dirac System. Z. Anal. Anwend. 19 (2000), no. 3, pp. 695–712

DOI 10.4171/ZAA/975