A Study on the Geometry of Pairs of Positive Linear Forms, Algebraic Transition Probability and Geometrical Phase over Non-Commutative Operator Algebras (II)

  • Peter M. Alberti

    Universität Leipzig, Germany


The results of the first part [1] will be used to discuss and to investigate some extensions of geometrical notions, which recently have been found to be of interest in Mathematical Physics in context of the problems of the so-called geometrical phase. The concepts of the global phase, the phase group and holonomy group of a normal state of a -algebra will be introduced and discussed.

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Peter M. Alberti, A Study on the Geometry of Pairs of Positive Linear Forms, Algebraic Transition Probability and Geometrical Phase over Non-Commutative Operator Algebras (II). Z. Anal. Anwend. 11 (1992), no. 4, pp. 455–488

DOI 10.4171/ZAA/590