Contracting the Socle in Rings of Continuous Functions

  • Themba Dube

    University of South Africa, South Africa


Not every ring homomorphism contracts the socle of its codomain to an ideal contained in the socle of its domain. Rarer still does a homomorphism contract the socle to the socle. We find conditions on a frame homomorphism that ensure that the induced ring homomorphism contracts the socle of the codomain to an ideal contained in the socle of the domain. The surjective among these frame homomorphisms induce ring homomorphisms that contract the socle to the socle. These homomorphisms characterize -frames as those for which every frame homomorphism with as domain is of this kind.

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Themba Dube, Contracting the Socle in Rings of Continuous Functions. Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 123 (2010), pp. 37–53

DOI 10.4171/RSMUP/123-2