Propagation of the Irregularity of a Microdifferential System

  • Teresa Monteiro Fernandes

    Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal


We construct the functor of microlocal analytic irregularity _Iμ_hom(∙, OX) which gives a natural third term of a distinguished triangle associated to the transformation _tμ_hom(∙, OX) → _μ_hom(∙, OX) of functors on the derived category of ℝ-constructible sheaves. When restricting to ℂ-constructible objects we prove that the microlocal irregularity of a microdifferential system propagates along non 1-microcharacteristic directions, as a consequence of the propagation for _tμ_hom(∙, OX) and _μ_hom(∙, OX).

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Teresa Monteiro Fernandes, Propagation of the Irregularity of a Microdifferential System. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 37 (2001), no. 2, pp. 119–139

DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1145476846