Images Directes de Fibres en Droites Adjoints

  • Christophe Mourougane

    Institut de Recherche Mathématiques de Rennes (IRMAR), France


Our main purpose is to study ampleness and positivity properties of the direct image φ ⋆_L_ of a holomorphic line bundle L under a smooth morphism φ: X → Y between compact complex analytic manifolds. We show that in general the ampleness of L does not imply that of the direct image φ ⋆_L_ but only that of thé direct image of the adjoint line bundle (φ ⋆(KX/Y/i> ⊗_L)._

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Christophe Mourougane, Images Directes de Fibres en Droites Adjoints . Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci. 33 (1997), no. 6, pp. 893–916

DOI 10.2977/PRIMS/1195144881